Monday, January 12, 2009

Let's all clap our hands for mankind

The government should never have to put boards like this up.

I mean drivers generally don't go running over people **GENERALLY**...They lose control, then run over people....I don't think brakes or any kind of warnings like the above is gonna help then....The government would do better putting a board saying LOOK OUT DUDE....CAR!!!

HOWEVER I think people should start looking both directions before crossing the road.Sadly though there are still people who walk blindly.

Come on people.....Open your eyes....

If you see a car getting bigger and heading towards you.....GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY and don't give me crap like "Aaron there are kids crossing the road blablabla" NONSENSE!!!!

Parents and teachers should teach kids to look both ways BEFORE crossing and if one doesn't listen, let that lil cunt cross alone.If he gets knocked down say it nicely to the kids round you "Hey kids, that's what happens when you cross without looking"

Ok. I'm not all mean..... I too don't want someone getting knock down for an example...

So here's a video of someone else who got knocked down as an example....

SEE!!! SEE!!!

Did you see the guy fly? hahahaha....

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